Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Dare to live fully...right where I am

#1. Accidental phone calls from our children that end with them saying, "I love you mom, have a good day".

In a world that craves instant results - from sending a text message that someone will get instantly or popping lunch in the microwave that will be ready in an instant - lives are fast paced - always wishing for tomorrow, wanting the latest and greatest. Like everyone else - on Monday morning, I'm guilty of saying that I can't wait for the weekend and in essence - I miss out on seeing everything that Monday through Friday had to offer me. I skipped over the gifts that God brings me each and every day - you know those things that we all take for granted - not on purpose but in our pursuit of the next thing that we want or needs to be done.

On Saturday, March 16th I picked up the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp and it is changing my life and dare I say re-defining who I am. On March 16th this adventure began, an adventure to be thankful and to live life fully...right where I am. In order to fully live we must live each moment - taking in the gifts that each moment brings. Knowing full well that each moment that we have it a gift from God.

"Gratitude (Thankfulness) bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." -Sara Ban Breathnach.

Moments of awe...moments. Not minutes, hours or days - just moments. My prayer is the God will help me to experience "moments of awe". An 'awe' that can only come from an AWEsome God. The creator of everything we see. it could be a sunrise, birds singing, a green light when you are running's the gifts from God that we simply take for granted.

So today, I'm putting a stake in the ground, drawing a line in the sand - asking God to help me to experience these moments of awe and to give him the thanks He so deserves. I will share later more on thankfulness and what it means - but for today, the picture with this post is one of my moments of awe.

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